Thursday 29 October 2009

Week 6-7

Week 6 was something of a welcome respite - a week of no tutorials and light on lectures and stuff. It provided a welcome opportunity for some catching up, finishing off, reading and perhaps a spot of relaxing.
This seems to be something of a recurring theme with the work I do but, once again I gained a lot of satisfaction from gathering together and refining my work, resulting in a sense of satisfaction - a sort of 'Ooh, look what I've done!' feeling, even though it was work which was already complete.
Again, it felt good to have done plenty of reading and feeling that I was properly on top of things again.

Friday was our Kenmore site visit, preceded by a visit to the Crannog centre which was, actually dead interesting. I always love seeing someone knowledgeable and enthusiastic about a slightly niche subject as our guide was with his Iron age history.

The site visit itself was an opportunity to get fully immersed in the site itself and gather and record information in whatever fashion was deemed appropriate - for me this was mainly photographs and sketches of the site and, perhaps more importantly the surroundings in terms of the natural and built environment. The overwhelming feeling I came back with was "Isn't Scotland bloody lovely?"

Week 7 was back to business as usual. It's felt really good because, for me this is a project I can really get totally involved with from the very offset - Analysis of Precedent was an involved project but it took me quite a while to get 'into' it - it wasn't until the final week of the project that I was fully in the groove. I think that the momentum (and understanding of what is going on) has carried over into this project so I'm good to go from the very beginning.
I'm already enjoying the many different aspects of this project - there's analytical stuff going on, research into history and design precedents, and creativity - at this stage we're writing back stories for the inhabitants of the house to be built, later comes the designing of the house itself.

I love architecture...

Sunday 18 October 2009

Week 5

This week has been a thoroughly satisfying one for me. Feeling thoroughly reinvigorated after a brilliant weekend in the Highlands, it was more or less business as usual - tutorials and lectures punctuating time in the studio working on the Analysis of Precedent project. There seemed to be a really good atmosphere and repartee within the group. At the start of the week things were a little frantic with everyone being very busy with something or other, but as the week went on, the project all seemed to fall into place in a very satisfactory fashion - we were like a well oiled machine and soon enough we were ready to present. Friday's presentation seemed to go well - our group managed to convey everything fairly well and it was genuinely interesting to see the approach of other groups to the same project, as well as finding out about the buildings which they had been assigned.

The presentations were rounded off with a little studio - based beer session which could have been pretty horrific but turned out to be a really nice opportunity to wind down and, in some cases hold vaguely coherent conversations with peers about architecture.

I'm really pleased with how the project went, particularly the final week.

Thursday 1 October 2009

It's kicking off...

Ok, I'm not really sure what the accepted format here is but I'm just going to do a sort of splurge of a train of thought type thing...

So, architecture at Dundee. Damn. We're in week 3 now, somehow. I'm pretty much settled in and getting a feel for the course and it's all fairly ace so far.
I get a good sense of having actually achieved quite a lot of stuff already which I think is one of the main reasons I'm enjoying it so much.

The Tentsmuir beach project in week 1 was a simple but satisfying excercise in creating something from nothing. It was all a little bit surreal to begin with, mainly because nobody knew anyone else. There was a really fun sort of awkward tension, even though we were getting stuck in hauling timber around the place and building things - everyone was fairly friendly by the end of the session and we had something very much tangible to show for our efforts. It felt good! I didn't get many decent pictures which is a bit disappointing but I blame the slightly awkward tension... 

Week 2 was the Inspiring Place project - an analytical project which was a really good opportunity to get out and about in Dundee. I spent a lot of Freshers' week getting out and about in Dundee to find my feet but with this project I was looking at it in a different way and it was a really interesting experience. I ended up presenting my take on an allotment on the Dundee Law. The presentation was quite daunting , partly because presentations always are, partly because I didn't really know any of the people I was presenting to but mainly because I had no real idea what was expected of me. I did that awful thing of looking at everyone else's pinned up work and thinking 'this is loads better than mine'.
In the end, the presentation went pretty well and I learned a lot from it. Again, there was a sense of satisfaction from having got a 'proper' project out of the way. 

Last week was the mapping entrance project which was a pretty daunting proposition - just how exactly does one map out a doorway in 1:1 scale? The project was a great opportunity to get to know the people in the tutor group - by the end of the week there was a really good team spirit to the whole thing and after a good deal of hard work from everyone we ended up with a really impressive end result. Again, there was a real sense of satisfaction at having created such an impressive thing from very little. It wasn't until the very final stages that we could get a proper impression of what had been done - this only made the end result more satisfying. 

The current Analysis Of Precedent project is a bit more involved - again, it feels really good to have something to really get your teeth into without it being an A - Level style coursework type thing.
I'm really looking forward to continuing to move forward with this course - it is a lot of work but so involving, so multi layered and so satisfying - I genuinely can't get enough. I'm sure I'll look back on that statement with some degree of contempt in the future but that's for another blog post...